In a world threatened by divisive tendencies of caste, creed, religion etc., CWT has become a catalyst in uniting diverse groups with a common goal of reaching out to the needy and helpless. Jimmy Padanilam Center for Special Needs currently identifies special talents of about 20 people of all ages with special needs, encourages them to improve their proficiency with the aim of making them as independent as possible. Brain Development Center identifies children with learning disability and provides coaching by specially trained teachers. Palliative Care provides care of the home-bound terminally ill or with long term diseases at their residences and teaches the immediate care-givers proper ways of care. Arogya Gramam is an ambitious project being implemented in Vazhapally Panchayath, to provide adequate housing to everyone to make safe drinking water available, to encourage sanitation, organic agriculture and build public comfort stations. Through Prathyasha enthusiastic volunteers congregate to raise funds in five short hours sums large enough to help the indigent requiring complicated and expensive surgical procedures. With the help of the Mobile Lab CWT reaches out to rural areas and through ordinary lab work identifies life style diseases and facilitates teaching of simple ways of adequate health maintenance. Annadanam provides free lunch to about 200 people everyday who are in-patients and or bystanders at Government hospital in Changanacherry. Sukrutham provides financial assistance to those who cannot afford the required medical treatment, education, marriage etc. through donations of generous people. Karuthal distributes kits to patients requiring renal dialysis through donations. Karunya Sparsham gives funds on a periodic basis to the old and indigent patients with no means of meaningful survival.