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Ente Gramam is an ambitious project for the comprehensive development of a village or Panchayath. The aim is to generate a mass movement at the grass-roots level to tap the potential of cooperative community effort. To assure the availability of safe drinking water for everyone in the community is one of the top priorities. To identify unsafe buildings and help renovate or rebuild the houses of those willing to participate financially and cooperate in voluntary community effort. Using mobile lab, life-style diseases identified through relatively inexpensive lab tests and conduct health clubs and awareness classes to prevent long term ill-effects. Ensuring adequate sanitation at home and in the community at large, using ring compost or aerobic bins, is of vital importance in preventing communicable diseases. Encouraging to grow organic vegetable gardens avoiding poisonous pesticides and fertilizers and developing a local farmer’s market to make the excess organic vegetables easily available to the needy public. To provide job training and skill development to the youth to channel their energy creatively.

Mobile Lab (Medical Camp)

Health camps conducted with proper planning and organization in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations in the area can be very effective and useful for the needy rural population. It can be a great tool to mobilize the community and make them aware of available health services.  The purpose is to ensure a healthier tomorrow by inspiring them to take preventive steps and thereby reduce risk of ill health. These programs can be customized so that they can be well understood by the local people. Charity World in collaboration with St. Thomas Hospital, Chethipuzha will conduct medical camps at various places in and around this area. It is formulated to provide health care services to the marginalized communities in remote rural areas through standalone camps. The camps are multi-disciplinary, including as many specialty and subspecialty services as can be organized.